Press release ‘Buki di Pret’
Also this year, the Bonaire Chamber of Commerce and Industry participated in a holiday activity from the ‘Buki di Pret’ for students of the primary schools of Bonaire.
ENTREPRENEURSHIP IS THE NEW GAMING was the theme of the activity that the Chamber of Commerce Bonaire offered to the students. Amongst others, the different types of legal entities were discussed and the benefits of being your own boss in the future.
Insight into entrepreneurship was highlighted through games and a final assignment where they could use the information to devise a real game for the products that can be purchased from the Chamber of Commerce Bonaire. For example, how can entrepreneurs quickly receive information digitally, but also how you can complete a business plan digitally.
The Chamber of Commerce Bonaire likes to promote the idea that ‘learned young, is done old’. The Chamber of Commerce Bonaire wishes all children (and parents) a happy holiday along this way!