May 14

Chamber of Commerce Bonaire encourages ‘Entrepreneurial Behavior’ at MBO Bonaire

The subject ‘Entrepreneurial Behavior’ has been taught to all MBO students at MBO Bonaire since school year 2021-2022. The Bonaire Chamber of Commerce organized two workshops in the context of entrepreneurial behavior between April 17 and May 2 and applauds this subject given at the MBO Bonaire. It is certainly a valuable investment in the future of the island. By introducing young people to entrepreneurship at an early stage and teaching them the skills and mindset, the Chamber of Commerce contributes to a good foundation. By inspiring and encouraging young people to be enterprising, they can develop valuable skills such as creativity, innovation, perseverance and problem-solving skills. These skills are not only relevant for starting your own business, but also valuable in a wide range of professional and personal situations. The saying “learned young is old done” certainly applies.