Jul 25

Learned young is old done (children can be entrepreneurs too)

In the spirit of stimulating and inspiring entrepreneurship among young people, the Bonaire Chamber of Commerce and Industry once again participated in ‘Buki di Prèt’ this year. We recently welcomed a group of young people between the ages of 9 and 13 and informed them about the various facets of entrepreneurship.

By highlighting various aspects of entrepreneurship, we showed the children how much fun it can be to be your own boss. During this morning, three young entrepreneurs were invited for inspiration:

  • Shemaya Evertsz from ‘H&L Indulgence’ (homemade personal cakes, sweets and handcrafts, 10 years old)
  • Nishanthalie Molina from ‘Always Glow’ (homemade cosmetic products, 11 years old)
  • Selishah Agostien from ‘Selis Cupcakes’ (homemade cakes and cupcakes, 13 years old)

They explained how they started their business, what they have experienced so far and what their plans are for the future. The children were explained that a business responds to the specific needs of a group or solves a problem.

Under the guidance of the KvK Bonaire and OGS (Your Partner in Entrepreneurship and Financial Success), the children came up with the following two problems, namely the heat of the sun on the beach and trash on Bonaire. Two businesses were devised from this, a commercial one and a social one. An additional success of this project is that at the end of the assignment, the children came up with 3 more innovative ideas. Information about these ideas was exchanged.

The KvK and OGS will stay in contact with the children to answer any questions and provide guidance in starting their business.