Jul 13

Prepare your business in time for a possible storm


Check the site: BonaireCrisis.com & Download the special app from the OLB: Disasterprep Bonaire in Google Play Store or Apple Store.

Dear Entrepreneur,

The hurricane season has started: that period of the year when more storms occur. It’s important to protect your business from a storm. How do you ensure that your company is well prepared? We’ll list it for you:

  • Make sure your employees also know that hurricane season has started.
  • Bring in loose items. Keep the area outside your company clean and see what the wind could possibly dislodge.
  • Keep the rooien (ditches) free so that the rainwater can flow away.
  • Do not park cars in the rooien (ditches).
  • Determine where in the building you and your employees are safe in an emergency: a space that is not directly exposed to the wind.
  • Carpenter plywood sheets against the windows for protection. You can also stick duct tape in the shape of an X on the windows: from the top left corner to the bottom right corner and vice versa.
  • Have an emergency supply: extra cash, batteries, a flashlight, a radio or TV on batteries, bottles of drinking water (3 liters per person per day), toilet paper, cans with food, a can opener, candles, medicines.
  • Make sure your phone is charged.

Follow the news and information from the Public Entity Bonaire (OLB)

Follow the bonairecrisis.com website

Download the special app from the OLB: Disasterprep Bonaire: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nl.ingrato.bonaire&hl=nl&gl=US

On social media: https://www.facebook.com/openbaarlichaamBonaire and https://www.instagram.com/openbaarlichaambonaire/

Follow the weather reports at knmidc.org

Please note: start preparing and purchasing a few days in advance.