Apr 24

Center for Entrepreneurship gives presentation for the the Director General of Kingdom Relations (BZK) & Secretary General (EZK)

On Wednesday, April 17, the Director General of Kingdom Relations at the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK), Mr. Roald Lapperre, and the Secretary General of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK), Mr. Sandor Gaastra, visited the Chamber of Commerce Bonaire. During this visit they received an extensive presentation about the Center for Entrepreneurship, during which the intake procedure, the working method and the results were discussed.

The Chamber of Commerce’s Center for Entrepreneurship program plays an important role in supporting and promoting entrepreneurship on the island.

The procedure used by the Center for Entrepreneurship ensures that (potential) entrepreneurs receive the right guidance and support to successfully plan their plans and ideas.

The working methods of the Center for Entrepreneurship were highlighted, with an emphasis on providing personalized guidance, training and advice.

The visit of the Director General of Kingdom Relations at the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK), Mr. Roald Lapperre, and the Secretary General of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK), Mr. Sandor Gaastra to the Chamber of Commerce Bonaire and the presentation about the Center for Entrepreneurship emphasize the importance that the government attaches to encouraging and supporting entrepreneurship on Bonaire.

Through close cooperation between the Chamber of Commerce and government agencies, we are working to create a favorable environment for entrepreneurs and promote economic growth and development on the island.

Would you like more information about specific steps or do you have questions about setting up your business? Please contact BIS employees via ondernemerschap@kvkbonaire.com.