Mar 02

From dream to registration with the Chamber of Commerce

Presentatie Liseo Boneriano

Last Tuesday afternoon a group of students from Liseo Bonairiano have registered themselves as a company at the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Troeman of the Chamber gave the students an explanation of the different forms a company can have.

The students started in the beginning of December the workshop “Dare to dream” to acquire knowledge of doing business. After a lot of brainstorming, the group came out to set up an event/activity agency. The weaknesses and strengths of the group were examined, competition has been looked at and a market research was done.

Presentatie Liseo Boneriano 2

Meanwhile they have established a real company. They have chosen a director, a name and logo for the company. The also put the business objectives on paper.

The company “Sunset Events” is an event agency that focuses on young people between the ages of 14 and 18. At the moment there is little recreation where they can meet each other after school.

In the following weeks action will be taken to develop a product, to develop the marketing and when finished, give a presentation to the parents and teachers.

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This pilot workshop was an idea developed by two entrepreneurs, Wim Coster (ActionCoach) and Sylvia de Leon (ABC Online Media), with the objective to convince students of the importance of local entrepreneurs for the economic growth of the island. The Chamber of Commerce and the school are both looking forward with great enthusiasm to the further development of this project.

Original article